
   Hello there! My name is Abby, which I'm sure you've figured it out by now. Anyways, I am 19 years old, and I enjoy all things photography. I live out in the "country" as most people will put it. I live alongside my family. We live in a pretty well built, good sized home, on approximately 5 acres. 
   So far my sister, or "I" have managed to convince my parents into getting us a farm animal. So they did! They bought me a mini pig for my 19th birthday, that's right, a---mini (well, not a "mini" pig considering the fact that he is about 50-60Ibs now. 
   It's not possible to get a pig and expect for it to stay one size. I read that if you want your pig to stay "mini" you would have to feed it less, can you believe it? Poor things, they will die if their owners decide to feed them less. I mean they need food, that's just terrible that people would decide to feed their pigs less just because they don't want it getting any bigger. Hello! They're pigs.     I've probably already bored you talking about my piggy. But aside from owning a pig, we also own 3 cats, and 2 dogs. Geez, I'll say. We plan to grow our little farm in the near future, possibly get another pig, a cow, a goat, some chickens and ducks, who knows what else we'll come across! To close this little intro, I hope to bring many more future blog posts your way and who knows, maybe you'll see some great photography as well! Thank you so much for reading, until next time.


